XiamenUniversity was founded in 1921 by Mr. Tan Kah Kee, a well-known overseas Chinese leader. It is the first university in the history of modern Chinese education ever founded by an overseas Chinese. As one of the top universities designated for the cross-century key construction, XiamenUniversity is the only key comprehensive university located in the special economic zone directly affiliated with the Ministry of Education. To know more about XiamenUniversity, please log on www.xmu.edu.cn.
With the approval of the ministry of Education, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College(hereafter referred as TKK College) was established jointly by Xiamen University and Xiamen Tan Kah Kee Educational Development Co. in 2003. As an independent college, TKKCollege enjoys the status of a legal entity, has its own campus and manages its finance independently. TKKCollege offers undergraduate programs and runs under a new mechanism for talent cultivation. TKK College has been established to meet the demand to transform Chinese structure of higher education, explore a new educational model, to bring into full play the conglomeration and radiation effects of Xiamen University as the only national key university in Fujian Province, and to expediate cultivation of practical talents with diversified skills in different fields to meet the urgent demand of the society.
Since its inception, TanKahKeeCollege has been pursuing a bold and innovative approach to course design, teaching methods, and undergraduate curricula. A modern pattern and a new criterion of educational administration system have been adopted to meet the requirements of contemporary economic globalization and information technology. The college has also adjusted the proportion of major-related courses to non-major-related courses and the proportion of required courses to elective courses by increasing the share of elective courses, professional-training courses, and practicum hours in its curricula. Students are allowed more freedom to select courses to meet their own schedules and educational goals. We will strengthen quality-oriented education, ability education and elite education, emphasize cultivating students’ ability to apply their major knowledge and their foreign-language and computer skills to achieve the goal of “ Wide Vision, Solid Foundation, Focus on Ability, and Pursuit of Individuality”, and bring up students accomplished in one specialty while also skillful in other fields.